Closer to the Flea

New interview with Flea on Closer to The Edge.
There’s a lot of general chat about music and making music.
Specific RHCP references:
Around 13:45 he talks about writing horn arrangements for the new RHCP album.
From around 35:13 until the end, they talk about different things related to the band/making music- about Hillel, about John’s return and how Josh is amazing, but that the four of them have something really special with John, etc.
Special thanks to SisterWitch for researching this.

This entry was posted in Flea, New RHCP album, Past Band Members, Red Hot Chili Peppers, RHCP General by Squitherwitch. Bookmark the permalink.

About Squitherwitch

I've been a RHCP fan ever since I heard Under The Bridge way back in the mists of time. I brought BSSM and then their other albums but RHCP were just another band I listened to (I was a massive GNR fan at the time) but that changed once I heard Californication! I've been involved with the online RHCP scene since 2006, getting more heavily involved as time passed, and eventually the time was right to set up my own website dedicated to the band and thus, TheChiliSource was born. Since then I've also set up along with various Twitter, Facebook & Tumblr pages connected to my websites and RHCP.