Josh Klinghoffer has gone. John Frusciante is back in RHCP

Stunned! A complete bombshell has dropped tonight. Josh Klinghoffer is no longer part of the Red Hot Chili Peppers and John Frusciante has re-joined the band. There are no details (yet) other than a post made on the band’s Instragram page and Flea’s social media accounts.

I’ve been a bit delayed posting as everyone assumed it was a hack at first, but someone I trust has just confirmed the news.

The Red Hot Chili Peppers announce that we are parting ways with our guitarist of the past ten years, Josh Klinghoffer. Josh is a beautiful musician who we respect and love. We are deeply grateful for our time with him, and the countless gifts he shared with us.

We also announce, with great excitement and full hearts, that John Frusciante is rejoining our group.

Thank you.

This entry was posted in Flea, John Frusciante, Josh Klinghoffer, Past Band Members, Red Hot Chili Peppers, RHCP General by Squitherwitch. Bookmark the permalink.

About Squitherwitch

I've been a RHCP fan ever since I heard Under The Bridge way back in the mists of time. I brought BSSM and then their other albums but RHCP were just another band I listened to (I was a massive GNR fan at the time) but that changed once I heard Californication! I've been involved with the online RHCP scene since 2006, getting more heavily involved as time passed, and eventually the time was right to set up my own website dedicated to the band and thus, TheChiliSource was born. Since then I've also set up along with various Twitter, Facebook & Tumblr pages connected to my websites and RHCP.

1 thought on “Josh Klinghoffer has gone. John Frusciante is back in RHCP

  1. I’m still so 50/50 about all of this. I’ll put as much thought into it as they did in “announcing” it. Unfortunately as big a fan as I am I’m just going to wait and see.

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