RHCP Italian Interview 6th December

An interesting interview especially for you John Frusciante fans as it mentions him and the fact that Josh feels the two of them are unlikely to work together again:

Original Italian Version:

5 set 2011 – Uno ha i capelli viola, i piedi nudi, tatuaggi, la maglietta di Thelonius Monk: ha lo sguardo da ragazzino, ma la faccia un po’ segnata dal tempo. L’altro è tutto vestito di nero, ha una felpa con il cappuccio, un accenno di barba, il ciuffo. Ha lo sguardo e il viso da ragazzo; dimostra meno dei suoi 31 anni e sembra ancora un po’ intimidito dalla situazione.
Sono Flea e Josh Klinghoffer, ovvero l’anima ritmica (e non solo) dei Red Hot Chili Peppers e il “nuovo” chitarrista: sono passati dall’Italia oggi per presentare “I’m with you”, il disco uscito la settima scorsa (qua la nostra recensione), il primo in cinque anni e il primo dopo la seconda uscita di John Frusciante dal gruppo.
Flea è gentile, risponde ad ogni domanda senza problemi, a partire dalla scelta della maglietta – il suo amore per il jazz è noto: “mi piace, a chi non piace Thelonius Monk? Come mi piacciono i Beatles e come mi piace respirare..”. Poi si passa a parlare del disco, della nuova formazione: la sensazione che i due danno è di grande affiatamento, Josh (che aveva già in passato suonato con il gruppo in tour, per questo “nuovo” va messo tra virgolette) si è inserito alla perfezione, è in piena sintonia con il resto del gruppo: “Abbiamo un processo di composizione democratico, ognuno può dire la sua, e Josh non si è solo inserito, ha portato la sua visione”, spiega Flea. “Quando abbiamo iniziato a scrivere, due anni fa”, dice Josh, “E’ stato tutto molto naturale, abbiamo imparato a conoscerci. Non ci sono stati grandi difficoltà se non ora che iniziano le cose strane, vedere così tanta gente… Anche se poi suonare con questa band è una cosa naturale, siamo subito in contatto”.
“Josh è una persona molto differente da John”, spiega Flea. “Ero molto abituato a lui, abbiamo suonato assieme per tanto di quel tempo che avevamo ormai un nostro linguaggio. Con Josh ho imparato un nuovo linguaggio: ho dovuto lasciarmi indietro il passato e immergermi nel presente”.
Flea ha un rapporto sereno con il tempo, e si vede, lo ripete in continuazione: “ Cinque anni?”, dice all’inevitabile domanda sulla lunga pausa. “Siamo stati in tour per ‘Stadium Arcadium’, ci siamo presi una pausa, abbiamo ricominciato a scrivere, ed eccoci qua. E’ stata l’attrazione gravitazionale dei nostri cuori: ci siamo ritrovati a suonare musica. Se penso alla nostra tradizione, a come abbiamo iniziato negli anni ’80, e a dove siamo ora, con i palazzetti, gli stadi… Do un grande valore al nostro modo di fare le cose. It’s fucking awesome! Poi non so se ci vorranno altri cinque anni per un disco… So a malapena cosa farò domani, sono che sono grato di stare in tour e di comunicare le mie idee, di poter parlare con la gente. Poi vedremo.”.
Quanto al passato, Flea non ha né rimorsi né rimpianti. Anzi la sua vena mistica viene fuori anche qua: “Ho un ottimo ricordo di quello che abbiamo fatto: eravamo così stupidi, dei cazzoni che non sapevano cosa facevano, che andavano in giro sfatti…I nostri angeli custodi ci hanno permesso di sopravvivere, di trovare qualcosa dentro di noi che ci ha fatto crescere. Nessun guru, nessun psichiatra ci avrebbe potuto indicare una via migliore”.  Un tema, quello del passato, che ritorna anche in uno dei momenti più intensi del disco, “Brendan’s death song”. “ E’ dedicata ad un nostro amico, un promoter di L.A. che fun uno dei primi a darci un ingaggio: a quell’epoca non eravamo nessun e lui avuto un grande ruolo nella crescita della band, con quello che ha fatto. Ci ha dato fiducia, ci siamo sentiti rispettati. Il primo giorno che abbiamo suonato con Josh è stato quello in cui abbiamo saputo della sua morte. Abbiamo improvvisato ed è nata quella canzone”.
La vena mistica di Flea ritorna quando racconta il suo rapporto con la musica: “Sono un fottuto hippie… la musica per me arriva da un posto divino. Quello che posso fare è mettermi nella condizione di farla scorrere, di farla arrivare, per vivere la mia vita in un posizione vicino a questo posto divino. Ma non sono religioso…”
Josh guarda, sorride, ogni tanto interviene con una battuta, in maniera molto educata, timida, ma non troppo. Quando Flea si assenta per andare un attimo in bagno, dice che lui non ha problemi a suonare le canzoni che la band ha inciso con gli altri chitarristi: “John aveva un problema con i brani di ‘One hot Minute’, quelle che la band aveva inciso con Dave Navarro. Io quel disco l’ho comprato e l’ho amato, quel tour è stata anche la prima volta che ho visto i Peppers dal vivo. Ma tanto so che neanche gli altri amano particolarmente quei brani”. Dice che vuole continuare la sua carriera solista: “Nelle pause del tour farò la mia musica. Ma non credo che suonerò ancora con John”, dice – Josh ha suonato in molti dischi solisti di Frusciante, ne ha inciso uno a doppio nome e due sotto il nome Ataxia. “John è abbastanza concentrato sulle sue cose, ultimamente”. Quanto al suo ruolo futuro nei RHCP, dice ridendo: “Sarò incosciente, diventerò tossico, ruberò macchine. Non vedo l’ora”, e poi manda un saluto ai suoi amici italiani, Marlene Kuntz e Afterhours, con cui ha suonato dal vivo qualche volta.
Per vedere dal vivo i Red Hot Chili Peppers, invece, bisogna aspettare Dicembre, il 10 a Torino e l’11 Milano.



English Translation (Sorry it’s late here and I’ve just run it through Google translate but it will give you the idea; I’ll try to get a proper translation of it if I can but most of my Italian friends have been running around Germany/are about to go to see RHCP at the weekend).

September 5, 2011 – One has purple hair, bare feet, tattoos, T-shirt of Thelonius Monk: a kid has the look, but do a little ‘marked by time. The other is dressed all in black, has a hoodie, a hint of a beard, a tuft. It has the eyes and face as a boy, looked younger than his 31 years and still seems a little ‘intimidated by the situation.

Flea and Josh Klinghoffer are, or the soul of rhythm (and not only) Red Hot Chili Peppers and the “new” guitarist from Italy have gone today to present “I’m With You”, the disc out of the seventh last (our review here), the first in five years and the first since the second exit from the group of John Frusciante.

Flea is gentle, smooth answers to every question, from the choice of shirt – his love for jazz is well known: “I like it, who does not like Thelonious Monk? As I like the Beatles and as I like to breathe .. “. Then you need to talk about the disc, the new formation: the feeling that the two damage is of great harmony, Josh (who had previously played with the band on tour, for this “new” should be put in quotes) was inserted to perfection, is in full harmony with the rest of the group: “We have a democratic process of composition, each can have its say, and Josh has not only entered, brought his vision,” says Flea. “When we started writing, two years ago,” says Josh, “It ‘was all very natural, we have learned to know each other. There were great difficulties if not now starting things strange to see so many people … Even if they play with this band is a matter of course, we immediately got in touch. ”

“Josh is a very different person from John,” says Flea. “I was very accustomed to him, we played together for so long that now we had our own language. With Josh I learned a new language: I had to leave the past behind and immerse myself in this. ”

Flea has a peaceful relationship with time, and it shows, repeats all the time: “Five years?” Says the inevitable question about the long pause. “We were on tour for ‘Stadium Arcadium’, we took a break, we started to write, and here we are. It ‘was the gravitational pull of our hearts: we ended up playing music. If I think of our tradition, as we started in the ’80s, and where we are now, with arenas, stadiums … Do a great value to our way of doing things. It’s fucking awesome! Then I do not know if it will take another five years for a hard … I know hardly what I will do tomorrow, I am that I am grateful to be on tour and to communicate my ideas, to talk to people. Then we’ll see. “.

As in the past, Flea has no remorse or regrets. Indeed, his mystical streak comes out here too: “I have great memories of what we did: we were so stupid, the fuckers who did not know what they did, who went around mushy … Our Guardian Angels have enabled us to survive , to find something within us that made us grow. No guru, no psychiatrist could have indicated a better way. ” A theme, that of the past, who returns at one of the most intense moments of the album, “Brendan’s death song.” “And ‘dedicated to our friend, a promoter of LA that one function of the first to give us a gig: at that time were not any and he played a major role in the growth of the band, with what he did. Gave us confidence, we felt respected. The first day we played with Josh was one in which we heard about his death. We improvised and that song was born. ”

The mystical vein of Flea returns as he recounts his relationship with music: “I’m a fucking hippie … for me the music comes from a divine place. What I can do is put in a position to slide, to get her to live my life in a location near to this divine place. But I am not religious … ”

Josh looks, smiles, occasionally intervenes with a joke, in a very polite, shy, but not too much. Flea when we go away for a moment in the bathroom, says he has no problem playing the songs that the band has recorded with other guitarists: “John had a problem with the songs ‘One Hot Minute’, the ones that the band was recorded with Dave Navarro. I’ve bought that album and I loved that tour was also the first time I’ve seen the Peppers live. But I know that not even particularly like these other songs. ” He says he wants to continue his solo career: “In the pauses of the tour will my music. But I do not think that will play with John again, “he says – Josh has played in many of Frusciante solo albums, he has recorded a double name and two under the name Ataxia. “John is quite focused on his things, lately.” As for his future role in the Red Hot Chili Peppers, he laughs: “I will be unconscious, become toxic, steal cars. I can not wait “, and then sends a greeting to his Italian friends, Marlene Kuntz and Afterhours, with whom he played live a few times.

Live to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers instead, you have to wait in December, 10 in Turin and Milan 11.

 Many thanks to Alex for the heads up on this!

This entry was posted in Flea, I'm With You, John Frusciante, Josh Klinghoffer, Past Band Members, Red Hot Chili Peppers, RHCP General, RHCP Tour 2011 by Squitherwitch. Bookmark the permalink.

About Squitherwitch

I've been a RHCP fan ever since I heard Under The Bridge way back in the mists of time. I brought BSSM and then their other albums but RHCP were just another band I listened to (I was a massive GNR fan at the time) but that changed once I heard Californication! I've been involved with the online RHCP scene since 2006, getting more heavily involved as time passed, and eventually the time was right to set up my own website dedicated to the band and thus, TheChiliSource was born. Since then I've also set up AnthonyKiedis.net along with various Twitter, Facebook & Tumblr pages connected to my websites and RHCP.

1 thought on “RHCP Italian Interview 6th December

  1. Some people are saying the translation won’t show so have pasted it into Word and re-copied it here to see if that solves the issue!

    September 5, 2011 – One has purple hair, bare feet, tattoos, T-shirt of Thelonius Monk: a kid has the look, but do a little ‘marked by time. The other is dressed all in black, has a hoodie, a hint of a beard, a tuft. It has the eyes and face as a boy, looked younger than his 31 years and still seems a little ‘intimidated by the situation.
    Flea and Josh Klinghoffer are, or the soul of rhythm (and not only) Red Hot Chili Peppers and the “new” guitarist from Italy have gone today to present “I’m With You”, the disc out of the seventh last (our review here), the first in five years and the first since the second exit from the group of John Frusciante.
    Flea is gentle, smooth answers to every question, from the choice of shirt – his love for jazz is well known: “I like it, who does not like Thelonious Monk? As I like the Beatles and as I like to breathe .. “. Then you need to talk about the disc, the new formation: the feeling that the two damage is of great harmony, Josh (who had previously played with the band on tour, for this “new” should be put in quotes) was inserted to perfection, is in full harmony with the rest of the group: “We have a democratic process of composition, each can have its say, and Josh has not only entered, brought his vision,” says Flea. “When we started writing, two years ago,” says Josh, “It ‘was all very natural, we have learned to know each other. There were great difficulties if not now starting things strange to see so many people … Even if they play with this band is a matter of course, we immediately got in touch. ”
    “Josh is a very different person from John,” says Flea. “I was very accustomed to him, we played together for so long that now we had our own language. With Josh I learned a new language: I had to leave the past behind and immerse myself in this. ”
    Flea has a peaceful relationship with time, and it shows, repeats all the time: “Five years?” Says the inevitable question about the long pause. “We were on tour for ‘Stadium Arcadium’, we took a break, we started to write, and here we are. It ‘was the gravitational pull of our hearts: we ended up playing music. If I think of our tradition, as we started in the ’80s, and where we are now, with arenas, stadiums … Do a great value to our way of doing things. It’s fucking awesome! Then I do not know if it will take another five years for a hard … I know hardly what I will do tomorrow, I am that I am grateful to be on tour and to communicate my ideas, to talk to people. Then we’ll see. “.
    As in the past, Flea has no remorse or regrets. Indeed, his mystical streak comes out here too: “I have great memories of what we did: we were so stupid, the fuckers who did not know what they did, who went around mushy … Our Guardian Angels have enabled us to survive , to find something within us that made us grow. No guru, no psychiatrist could have indicated a better way. ” A theme, that of the past, who returns at one of the most intense moments of the album, “Brendan’s death song.” “And ‘dedicated to our friend, a promoter of LA that one function of the first to give us a gig: at that time were not any and he played a major role in the growth of the band, with what he did. Gave us confidence, we felt respected. The first day we played with Josh was one in which we heard about his death. We improvised and that song was born. ”
    The mystical vein of Flea returns as he recounts his relationship with music: “I’m a fucking hippie … for me the music comes from a divine place. What I can do is put in a position to slide, to get her to live my life in a location near to this divine place. But I am not religious … ”
    Josh looks, smiles, occasionally intervenes with a joke, in a very polite, shy, but not too much. Flea when we go away for a moment in the bathroom, says he has no problem playing the songs that the band has recorded with other guitarists: “John had a problem with the songs ‘One Hot Minute’, the ones that the band was recorded with Dave Navarro. I’ve bought that album and I loved that tour was also the first time I’ve seen the Peppers live. But I know that not even particularly like these other songs. ” He says he wants to continue his solo career: “In the pauses of the tour will my music. But I do not think that will play with John again, “he says – Josh has played in many of Frusciante solo albums, he has recorded a double name and two under the name Ataxia. “John is quite focused on his things, lately.” As for his future role in the Red Hot Chili Peppers, he laughs: “I will be unconscious, become toxic, steal cars. I can not wait “, and then sends a greeting to his Italian friends, Marlene Kuntz and Afterhours, with whom he played live a few times.
    Live to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers instead, you have to wait in December, 10 in Turin and Milan 11.

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