Red Hot Chili Peppers are playing at the Troubadour tonight!

Earlier it was rumoured that the Red Hot Chili Peppers were going to play at the Troubadour tonight. As I type this the Chili Peppers are now playing live at the Troubadour.

Here’s how it was confirmed

@Flea333 Thelonious monster is hittin it at the troubadour. We are up next!!! #love to play

Then later our good friend on Facebook Raindance Maggie posted these two pictures.

”Thanks to my crew friend Dave Rat for the pic”

UPDATE: New picture uploaded by Dave Rat! Thanks Dave!

UPDATE #2: Two new pictures!

UPDATE #3 Another new picture!

Thanks to @RILEYHARPER on twitter

UPDATE # 4: More pictures!

UPDATE # 5:  New tweet from Martyn Lenoble

”Just know this Chili Pepper and Frusciante fans…. Josh Klinghoffer is the only true and rightful heir to the throne. Amazing!”

UPDATE #6: New picture and video (again thanks to @RILEYHARPER)

Thanks to Dave Rat, Andjelka, joteyCANNONBALL, wastedjp, and Raindance Maggie